Why Iceland? Because of the Northern Lights and summer nights. For its natural landscape and unique wildlife. But also because of waterfalls, volcanoes, and glaciers. Furthermore, the Blue Lagoon is unmatched in the world for its incredible beauty.

The bucket list of Lara is full of amazing places to discover. Furthermore, Lara is one of the youngest travel bloggers in the world. Because of that, she will soon visit a lot of amazing countries around the world. With her stories, Lara will take readers to all seven continents of the planet. It is easy to travel once you start, even for babies. However, traveling on a budget, especially to some expensive countries, can become more challenging but not impossible. New incredible places and adventures will come soon. Follow Lara as she travels the world and read all her stories with wonderful images from some of the most incredible places on earth.
Why Iceland? Because of the Northern Lights and summer nights. For its natural landscape and unique wildlife. But also because of waterfalls, volcanoes, and glaciers. Furthermore, the Blue Lagoon is unmatched in the world for its incredible beauty.
Why Norway? Because of its spectacular nature: mountains, fjords, lakes, glaciers, and rocks. Tromsø is famous for the Northern lights and Svalbard for Polar bears. Furthermore, Norway is great for skiing, skating, dog sledding hiking, fishing, and cycling.
Why Japan? Japan straddles both the traditional and ultra-modern, high-tech cities versus breathless natural landscapes. Finally taste the real sushi and tempura of the fabulous Japanese cuisine. And because this is the best place to get "lost in translation".
Why the Western United States? Because this is the land of dreams. It is a true melting pot. The food, not always healthy, is surely delicious. The Western United States offers breathtaking scenic views. And because it is great to experience the American way of life.
Why Tierra del Fuego? Because it is the end of the world. It is Patagonia all in a nutshell with national parks, lakes, rivers, and immense untouched land. Even more, Ushuaia, the southernmost town on earth, is the starting point to cross to Antartica.
Why Australia? Because of its natural wonders with deserts, tropical forests, canyons, and white beaches. It is a surfers' paradise. Australia is the land of kangaroos, crocodiles, and white sharks. And because of the fascinating lifestyle of the Australian people.